Friday, December 4, 2009

ESL overload Here is an article that has interesting facts about the overload of ESL(English as a second language)students in the district. I find it funny how the majority of these students are in Westland and Central Crossing areas of the district. Why not "Grove City"? How much money is brought in for the ESL students? Why so many ESL students in SWCS? Why does Columbus have the second largest Somali population in the country? How much did the new program cost taxpayers of SWCS? Here is another waste of district money. Can they show a benefit of this costly new program on ESL students? This district is of the mindset that Diversity at the cost of student performance brings federal money. This link will explain that each ESL student equals federal dollars.

"At Park Street Intermediate, Savage said teachers asked a few female Muslim Somali students to talk to students in the school about Islam during a time when the entire student population studied the three major religions of the world -- Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.
She added that school districts across the nation want to create a curriculum that will produce a student with a global mindset. Having foreign students in the schools only helps teachers and students achieve that goal."
Here is an example of the brain washing of your children into a Global mindset. You can't have a Christmas tree in the classroom yet your children can be taught about Islam?
Since when were their only 3 major religions of the world? They intentionally disregard
Hinduism and Judaism as a world religion as to not offend Muslims? Are they teaching your children about the Holocaust or that there were Muslim allies of Hitler? This district and its politically correct form of education and exploitation of minorities is over the top. Call Bill Wise at 614-801-3000 and tell him no more Islamic indoctrination for your kids. I am sure your child would be sent home for carrying a Bible in school. Is your child an American citizen? or a "Global" citizen. It is time for you to decide and Let Bill Wise know.


  1. How about teaching these Somali children about the greatest country in the world and the founding fathers that created it.

  2. The City of Columbus received federal money to relocate Somali refugees here in the late 80s and 90s along with Minneapolis Minn. Due to a lack of housing they were mainly located near northland mall and the far westside. The burden on county services started a little rift between county commissioners and the mayor of columbus. I believe Mayor Coleman called Arlene Shoemaker a "Bitch" at one time when she questioned Coleman about sharing federal funds with the county for servicing the Westside Somali population. I believe Dewey Stokes took issue with that and went after Coleman having to be restraind.

  3. I wonder if the muslim girls informed american students that in most muslim countries they wouldnt be allowed to go to school or vote or have any rights at all. They can even be killed for shaming their families. A religion of peace? Tell the truth about islam. They dont speak out against terrorism.

  4. What a waste of money! The website for this program cannot come up with any supporting data that shows it is effective at all. They claim it depends on the teacher. Studies continue.

  5. 4 teachers to 36 children?

  6. "School districts accross the nation want children with a global mindset"? That Teacher just revealed the NEA agenda of brain washing your children.

  7. A quote from the teacher. Nothing paranoid about her own words. No agendas hidden there. Direct and to the point. Paint those that disagree with you as a "whack job" "paranoid" "conspiracy nut" and lets not forget "right wing wacko" Straight from the "Rules for radicals" the liberal play book. Yes conservatives can read too. Hows that global warming "Climategate" working out for you?
    Have you told the children that it is legal to hunt Polar bears in Canada. They are reproducing in record numbers. Thanks for commenting.

  8. I'm not a liberal and don't disagree with you that this program is a waste of money. I just don't think it is some master plan to turn the country into a huge brainwashed population. I don't think it does the conservative cause any good to overreact by calling everything we disagree with a huge conspiracy. I appreciate when things like this are brought to the forefront, but it just dumbs down the issue to throw around wild accusations and name calling instead of using logic and facts to make people aware of the problem.

  9. Do some more research on the education agenda and the people in control of the Unions. It is not coincidence that the same misinformation is taught nationwide.

  10. What wild accusations? the quoted words of the teacher. What name calling? Sometimes the truth is shocking to read when it is your own back yard. Acorn and many other "Community organizations" are alive and well right here in Columbus. The Dispatch story of how Franklin County treats its Veterans is not a conspiracy. Corrupt liberal Democrats doing what they do best with the help of a lot of corrupt republicans.

  11. E-mail an example of logic and fact that you speak of or write it here. I welcome your opinions. Thanks for commenting
